Maximizing Cloud Infrastructure Investment

The built-in elastic and adaptable properties of the cloud makes it suitable for attentive access, effective adjustments to deployment and obtaining the greatest benefits, regularly. ThoughtSol creates methods for its customers for cloud optimization which ought to be holistic and have a balanced approach to suit both the need to cut down expenditure and business imperative for high-end achievements. The journey of optimization is a continuous process towards evolving needs, changing priorities, adapting the latest tools and high technologies, essential growth and wide expansion.


5 Step Approach

  • Scoping
  • Balance of cost, growth, performance & availability
  • For numerous workloads, we develop multiple categories
  • Plan strategies based on cost reduction, growth & performance
  • Authorize ownership
  • Owners decide matters of operations
  • Access via phone, email & ticketing
  • Continuously check existing deployment
  • Create new strategies based on reviews
  • Advantage tools & automation
  • Enhance performance & simply processes

The Thought-Sol Edge