The Customer-first vision is the catalyst for our Success: Saket Vohra, ThoughtSol

Vineet Kumar - CEO Thoughtsol

The customer-first vision is instilled in our team through a combination of dedication, transparency, and setting high standards as we emphasize the importance of understanding and exceeding customer expectations, and this ethos becomes ingrained in the team culture, says Saket Vohra, Co-founder & Chief Customer Officer - Client Success, ThoughtSol.

Customer Success has always been of paramount importance for a fast-growing company. And Delhi- headquartered ThoughtSol Infotech is no different. Saket Vohra at ThoughtSol, with a rich professional experience of 28 years in the IT industry, has been at the forefront of understanding the needs of the customer and being able to use his communication and interpersonal skills to build trust with them.

Saket Vohra, Co-founder & Chief Customer Officer - Client Success, ThoughtSol accentuates on the growing importance of customer needs , metrics of client success and the changing world of customer experience. Edited Excerpts.

Q. Describe your role at ThoughtSol?
Saket: My primary role is to ensure that we under commit and over deliver to our customers. This helps us in strategically acquiring new customers for the entire bouquet of our services, managing the entire business needs of the customers, and providing end-to-end service delivery for our entire portfolio of services. Additionally, I am responsible for our workplace management service business, which includes IT SM support, warranty support, and asset management. I am constantly looking for new ways to optimize our services and improve the customer experience.

Q. You have been in the IT industry for nearly three decades and you have seen major disruptions in technology advancements. What are the prime trends with respect to customer experience you foresee in 2024 and why?
Saket: In 2024, I anticipate three significant trends in customer experience:
(1) Personalization through AI: With the increasing use of AI and ML, customer expectations for personalized experiences are on the rise. Tailoring services and communications based on individual preferences and behaviours will be a key trend.
(2) Enhanced Data Security Measures: Implementing robust data security measures and transparent communication regarding these measures will be pivotal in building and maintaining trust.
(3) Proactive Availability and Continuity Management: We foresee a strategic shift towards proactive measures, including predictive disruptions and robust continuity management, to ensure uninterrupted service delivery in dynamic business environments.

Q. What is the new priorities’ list you anticipate from CIOs and ITDMs across India Inc., that can be delivered effectively and seamlessly? How has ThoughtSol scaled in terms of customer success?
Saket: In the evolving landscape, I anticipate CIOs and IT decision-makers to prioritize:
a. Comprehensive Digital Transformation Strategies: CIOs will prioritize holistic digital transformation strategies for increased agility, innovation, and sustained competitive advantage.
b. Cybersecurity Measures: With the growing threat landscape, cybersecurity is not only set to maintain its status as a top priority but is poised to evolve into an indispensable necessity.
c. Integration of Green IT and Sustainability Practices: Sustainable practices will gain prominence, and ThoughtSol will actively contribute by integrating green IT initiatives, fostering environmental sustainability.

The major expectations that Indian organizations have from the technology SI and managed partners like ThoughtSol are to provide ongoing awareness of the emerging threats and technologies while giving process-driven service continuity to their businesses. To ensure that we stand firm with set expectations, ThoughtSol makes sure to invest heavily in training and strategic partnerships to enhance its ability to meet the ever-evolving challenges.

Q. How has the customer success metric at ThoughtSol experienced a positive evolution over the years?
Saket: Our customer retention rate consistently stands above 95%, showcasing our enduring success. Also, actively receiving references from our existing clients underscores the positive evolution of our customer success metric. Satisfied clients willingly advocate for ThoughtSol, contributing to our reputation and growth.

Q. Is the success metrics different for new customers versus repeat customers?
Saket: Absolutely! The success metrics varies significantly for new customers compared to repeat customers. When dealing with new customers, the emphasis is on creating a positive and lasting first impression with a focus on onboarding processes, initial support, and make sure that they quickly see the value in our services. On the other hand, with repeat customers, our approach is a continuous improvement striving to exceed their expectations, anticipating their needs, and providing ongoing value. It’s about building a long- term relationship and ensuring their continued satisfaction.

Q. The success lies in the dedication of our entire team, to delivering a ‘customer-first’ vision. How are you building that all-important ethos in the team?
Saket: The customer-first vision is instilled in our team through a combination of dedication, transparency, and setting high standards. I personally lead this vision from the front, encouraging the team to under-commit and overdeliver. We emphasize the importance of understanding and exceeding customer expectations, and this ethos becomes ingrained in the team culture. Regular training sessions, open communication channels, and recognition of customer-centric achievements further reinforce this mindset across all levels of the organization.

Q. How does your team understand and cater to the challenges faced by the clients and then tailor its services to meet their specific needs and work environments?
Saket: Our approach involves continuous engagement with clients across various departments. We maintain regular communication to understand the challenges they face, not just from an IT perspective but also from a broader business standpoint. By staying closely connected with our clients and the market, we can tailor our services to meet their specific needs and adapt to evolving work environments

Q. What are major initiatives within your role that would enable ThoughtSol to evolve into a true partner for your clients and contribute to their success stories? How you envision ThoughtSol to be recognised in India’s enterprise tech space by the year 2026?
Saket: Investment in Team Development: Prioritizing training, mentoring, and delegation fortifies our team’s skills, ensures a skilled and accountable workforce.
Ground-Level Engagement: Staying close to market dynamics through a hands-on approach aid in understanding evolving client needs.
Process-Centric Philosophy: Our focus is on building robust processes that contribute to the overall success of ThoughtSol and its clients.
Over the next three years, I envision ThoughtSol being recognized as a pioneer in multi-cloud and cybersecurity services on a global level. Our focus will be on expanding our footprints internationally and establishing ourselves as a leading player in the enterprise B2B technology space in India.

Q. Your three entrepreneurial success mantras over the years.
Saket: My three success mantras over the years have been discipline, loyalty, and dedication. Discipline provides a framework for consistent and effective decision-making, loyalty fosters strong relationships both within the team and with clients, and dedication ensures the relentless pursuit of excellence in every aspect of our work.

Q. Enlist your major goals - professional and personal – for 2024?
Saket: My primary professional goal for 2024 is to retain our talented team while leading ThoughtSol’s expansion to a global level. It involves managing the challenges that come with international growth and ensuring the continued success of the company. On a personal level, I aim to start a regular yoga practice. This reflects my commitment to holistic well-being, aligning my personal and professional growth for a balanced and fulfilling life.